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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Surgery Update...

It all started with a simple family vacation to float the Comal River... then a trip to the emergency room revealed a severe sprained ankle.  The doctor said it would take about six weeks to heal and that the knot on the side of my ankle was normal.  I continued to do the R.I.C.E method (rest, ice, compression and elevate) during this time.  Being on my feet all day teaching was hard; I would come home to a swollen and throbbing ankle every night.  I kept telling Russell something just wasn't right.
Just before Kelton aka "Bubba" was born Kim had hurt her foot (I won't explain how that happened just incase PEDA is reading HA HA HA).  She was given a short boot to help heal her foot and within 2-3 weeks her foot was better, we decided to give Kim's boot a try, 2 weeks later no change.  Then I found out Jane (Russell's mom) had fallen a broke her ankle.  The doctor she went to see was recommended highly so I made an appointment.  Dr Edwards then placed me in a taller boot for three more weeks.  After my three weeks were up I went back to see Dr. Edwards... my knot was gone and I wasn't swollen or feeling an pain (mostly because it was stationary for so long in the boot).  I looked as though the boot worked, until I asked him about this popping sound in my ankle.  "Not Good" come to find out I had a tendon that had come out of place and surgery was the only way to fix it....
Dr. Edwards told me that there would be two possible things happen but he didn't know which until after he got in to see what was going on: 1) deepen the grove the tendon belonged in by drilling into the bone then placing the tendon in to see if it holds... 2) if the tendon doesn't hold on it's own then two screws would have to be used to hold it in place... But once Dr. Edwards was able to open me up and take a look inside he found that my misplaced tendon was actually split in half.  He had to cut off the shorter part of the tendon and re-attach it (I have no clue right now if there are screws in my ankle I guess I'll find out at my next apt. on December 23rd).  I am off my foot for a while and I am so very lucky to have great family and friends to help me out.  Russell has been an angel and my mom a saint (she is finishing up the wrapping and cleaning of my house I wasn't able to finish).  I will keep every one updated.    

Monday, October 11, 2010

Why? I don't know Why... Just because!

Ok so for those whom are reading this I have changed the website address.  Mainly because the other one was really, really long.   I hope this is easier for everyone and that it does not cause any major problems... Any ways thanks for reading.  Hadlee has a major field trip planned for all day tomorrow and yep I'm the lucky parent that get to spend the whole day with about a gazillion kinder kids... Tomorrow I will be nothing but a "Glorified Midget Wrangler" (17 again quote).  Did I mention I will be doing all of this with a boot on to help heal my ankle.  The same ankle I hurt back in August that is just being a pain cause it will not heal...

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Oh it's been so long...

Ok so school started and well, yes I dropped the ball on my blog.  Glad to know I wasn't the only one (thank you for dropping the ball too Kim).  Well after our week long vacation to the river with mom and the lake with dad, it was time to get back into the swing of things.  As I went back to work (in service two weeks before school started) Hadlee had to start getting up early again.  Surprisingly she did very well.  We bought her and alarm last year so that she would be use to it before school started.  It has been working amazingly.
Hadlee first day of school...

The night before we laid out her clothes and when her alarm went off she got out of bed and was dressed before she even left her bedroom.  I couldn't have asked for a more wonderful daughter, each day she wakes to her alarm clock and gets dressed on her own.  Excited... Hadlee loves getting up and gong to school.  And within the first week of school I had a really hard time keeping her awake after school. 

Jane (Russell's mom AKA Nana)  is picking her up after school and watching Hadlee on the days she doesn't go to Ms. Maria's house.  I let Hadlee sleep for a little while but then felt that she needed to wake up.  I carried her into the kitchen trying to get her up and moving but she eventually she found her way back to the chair...
We have had some fun Kinder projects to work such as our little Hadlee doll...

As the first six weeks comes to an end so does the excitement... I had to just laugh the other morning... I was walking through the kitchen when I heard Hadlee's alarm clock going off.  I waited a bit to see if and when she would turn it off and come through the house looking for me... BOY WAS I WRONG... I heard this not so sweet voice yell out "someone turn off my alarm clock" I just started laughing.  Shortly after that "I'm tired..."  Well the excitement was fun while it lasted.
Needless to say Hadlee is doing very well in school and is growing up so fast.  Russell and I strive to teach her manners and here lately she has been just amazing us with her effort.  As a parent we find ourselves saying "what do you say????" and "yes ma'am or no ma'am" but here lately Hadlee has been beating me to the punch.  God love her.

Homecoming has come and went... Hadlee asked a friend from her class to join us at the game.  I made her and her Friend a mum.  Surprise, surprise they only wore them for about 15 minutes but they were "itchy."   We won it was a great game but both girls were tired and ready to go to bed...
I recently went with my friend and co-worker to Lubbock to cheer on the Texas Longhorns as they... well you know... TEXAS!!!! FIGHT!!!! and they did.  As you can see I am in a sea of orange and those in the red seem to ... well I just assume they left the iron on at home and needed to get back early... Surely it wasn't because of the score.
OK last little bit Hadlee has been asking me to let her get her hair cut because her cousin Kayla had her hair cut short.  I was against it from the beginning but this week she had school pictures and I knew she needed a hair cut so I let her.  She I so beautiful it doesn't matter what length her hair is but I did take some before and after pictures.

We cut a bunch off and she is loving it  which means I'm loving it too.  Ok so this has been a very long post and I hope you weren't too bored with it, I promise to be a better blogger in the future.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Vacation Time

Well this summer has been very busy for us, from building our to closing on it and moving in.  We are for the most part in my study and guest bedroom look like storage buildings boxes and staorage bins every where.  We have also been trying to put in a yard.  We planted seed but when Jane and Bobby (the in-laws) had some St. Augustine sod left over we layed it in front og the house.  It didn't cover much being that it was only a quarter of a pallet.  I loved it, and I think Russell did too since he came home the other day and told me he had ordered 2 more pallets.  Yea!!!! Since then we have layed sod in the front of our house and a small strip in the back next to the porch.  
Now that we have spent all this money on grass and worked our booties off putting it in, it is "vacation time."  We are headed to Schlitterbahn for four days... with Mom and John...
then on to Lake Conroe for five days... with Dad and Leslie...
Pictures of the vacation to come later... :)
Oh and for those wondering how the diet is gong well lets just say it is going great... as of this morning I am down 5 pounds... Yes I know it's only 5 pounds, but it's 5 pounds in 2 days... Yea!!!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Just Starting

There are so many new things going on in our lives WHY not add another thing to keep up with.... I never really thought about creating a blog but here I go.  This past year has been very stressfull.  I recently completed my first year of teaching and though it was stressfull at times I loved it.  I will soon be back at work, however, this year I will be teaching only one subject... math, three times a day.  My plans for this blog to share in my journey of being a wife, a mother and a woman on a... yep that's right the ugly word "Diet"....